Nature's Law - 3

Nature's Law - 3

Author: R. Pradeep


2 min read

Life's Mission...

October and November marks a critical period for migration of the Atlantic salmon. These salmons travel hundreds and thousands of miles from the sea and try to reach the highland rivers where they were hatched and born. The river bed on the highlands are the best spawning grounds which provide the much needed protection and sustenance for their offspring.

It requires formidable strength and persistence to swim upstream, and by the time they reach their destination their bodies are severely exhausted and almost disintegrated. Yet they do it without any second thoughts.
The one and only reason why they go through all these hardships is to ensure the continuity of their species.

In business too, the continuity depends very much on the efforts of the leaders to ensure the successors are mentored and trained well enough to take up the helm. A leader who invests a good amount of time & effort in choosing and mentoring the right successors organically has clearly ensured the business continuity.

Any organization that has survived for more than 50 years is a great example and would have had true leaders who mentored and coached the right people, who in turn did the same to ensure their business continuity.

However, there are also some not-so open-minded leaders who see their successors as a competition. They are more obsessed with their own success and intentionally avoid mentoring and coaching their successors. In such cases, we can see the business struggling with frequent shuffling and replacement of top level leaders.

Like the salmons, business continuity has to be a life's mission for a true business leader.

We need to keep in mind - "the next generation depends on us.. we need to put all our efforts to mentor and guide them"

Image Credits: Cock-Robin from Pixabay