Nature’s Law – 1

Nature is a fascinating machine that has its own set of predefined laws based on which it works. One key principle in that is

“You can never take more, than you give…”

Anything that breaks this principle would eventually cause an imbalance and would spiral down to its end.

For example, a bee consumes the nectar from the flowers and in turn carries the pollens helping pollination. If the bee thinks that carrying the pollens is uncomfortable and it can avoid that, the flowers would naturally evolve to use other pollination methods and may even stop producing nectar. Same applies to the flower too, without serving nectar, bees will not help with the pollination. There is a fine balance that keeps it going..

Similarly, plants take nutrients from the soil, and the wilted leaves falls back to ground providing the nutrients back to the soil through decomposing. This has been working for thousands of years based on this fine balance of consuming and giving back proportionately.

This simple balance in the nature is applicable universally and holds true for us too.

If the employer in a business, extracts more work from its employees but pays back less on salaries, will eventually be impacted by the imbalance it creates. Employee contribution will dwindle down, innovation will shrink and more than that, they will leave when the company needs them the most, marking the ‘start’ of the end…

The reverse is also applicable, when employees do not contribute back enough for the pay that they are getting, it will impact the business and their paychecks too. In simple terms, with this imbalance, businesses will not be sustainable. Finally such employees will need to be replaced, if not the business will be closing down soon.

Similarly, a government taxing heavily on the people, while not providing back enough development and needs of the people, will be thrown out. And on the other end, when the people evade taxes and does not responsibly contribute in paying the taxes, then can’t expect the government to satisfy their needs.

We need to keep in mind – “You can never take more, than you give…”   always…


Image Credits: Capri23auto from Pixabay

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