Catalytic Leadership - The first step any leader will take to solve a problem

Catalytic Leadership - The first step any leader will take to solve a problem


1 min read

In this article in the series of “Catalytic Leadership”, we’ll see about the first step in solving any problem!

Once three mathematicians and an ordinary guy were locked up in a room.

They were given a paper that had a puzzle to be solved and were instructed that the key to open the room can be obtained by solving the puzzle.

At once, the mathematicians started to work on the puzzle with focus and determination to solve the puzzle.

The ordinary guy kept cool, stared at the.mathematicians for a minute or two.

Then he got out of his chair, walked near the door and pushed it to check if it was locked..

The door opened and he just walked out of the door. The door was not actually locked.

Moral: Don’t try to solve a problem before understanding it!

Catalytic Leaders understand the situation to see if the problem really exists before trying to come up with a solution. They don’t jump into the bandwagon trying to solve something they haven’t understood fully.

Image Credits: Pixabay